Workers of LBI and Enmore Estates engage in strike action


Field workers of the LBI sugar cultivation engaged in strike action yesterday and today over what the Union deems the “virtual unilateral and high-handed decision” to move to the Enmore Estate.


According to the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) cane cutters, shovel men, weeders and others numbering about 450 are demanding that they be allowed to work within the LBI cultivation so that the Union and shop stewards could address a number of issues with Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo).


GuySuCo, the workers insisted, must not demand they work under less favourable conditions as they would be required at Enmore Estate.


It was observed, The Union stated, that the 2,700 hectare LBI cultivation remain intact unlike the LBI operations namely  the Field Workshop, Mill Dock, Field Lab,  Stores, and Administrative Offices which were closed at the end of last month (July 2016). In other words, their work at LBI has not become redundant.


Workers from the Enmore Estate also joined in the strikes to register their objection to the process.


They are seeking a meeting through their shop stewards and the Union’s Field Officer with the Management of the Estate to have some work issues addressed. The Estate Manager of Enmore Estate informed the Union’s Field Officer that GuySuCo has already made its decision.


According to the Union, the Manager’s response indicates that the workers would not be granted a forum to represent their issues.




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