Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control board working to stop street vending of pesticides


As Guyana continues to record a high number of suicide cases, authorities have recognized that the accessibility to pesticides and toxic chemicals is one contributing factor to the problem.


As such, the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board is working to see how best it can rid the streets of all pesticides being sold by unauthorized vendors.


Registrar, Trecia David said the Board has viewed the issue with concern and intends on addressing the issue. She said the sale of pesticides is only for a certain group of individuals like exporters of logs and grains.


“What we’re trying to do is bridge that gap of when the sale to even those persons that are authorized, to how it ends up back on the market. Additionally, we do have some enforcement activities that already started with the Mayor and city council against the street vending of all pesticides…you should not have access to that from someone of the street. This what we’re doing to curb also carbon tablet getting out there and actually being available to persons” she told News Room.


The Ministry of Public Health has reported in the past that 60 percent of suicides in Guyana involved the use of pesticides.


World Health Organization figures claim 44.2 in every 100 thousand Guyanese take their own lives, compared to a global average of 16 and the reduced access to the most common means like firearms, pesticides, and certain medicines helps lessen cases.

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