GGGA Moves to Develop Guiding in Berbice – as part of World Thinking Day Celebration


The Guyana Girl Guides Association at the weekend celebrated World Thinking Day 2017 with an Exhibition & Cultural Festival in New Amsterdam, Berbice. The event in Berbice was also momentous because Guiding started in Berbice in 1922.

Celebrated annually on February 22, World Thinking Day (WTD) is a day of international friendship, speaking out on issues that affect girls and young women, and fundraising for 10 million girl guides and girl scouts around the world. The theme for WTD this year is “Let’s Grow”; it encourages associations around the world to grow their World Thinking Day celebrations, as well as to invite more girls and young women in country to experience what it means to be part of the Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting Movement.

Communications Commissioner of the Guyana Girl Guides Association, Schemel Patrick, said “this year’s theme is designed to fit with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts’ (WAGGGS) strategy Connect, Grow, Impact. In 2016, we celebrated the meaningful connections we share as a Movement, and now it’s time to grow.”

Girls from one of the new units in Berbice.

The event in Berbice served as a platform to interact and share with the new Guiding units in Berbice as the local association seeks to grow the national movement. The day’s event included an Exhibition – which showcased the history, fascinating features and appealing programmes and activities of Guiding – and a Cultural Festival – which included performances from the inviting units all focused on the theme of “Let’s Grow”. The performances consisted of poems, dances, songs and games.

Units participating in the activity were: The new units from Berbice – Leeds Primary, Rose Hall Estate Primary, St. Aloysius Primary, Tagore Memorial, All Saints Primary, East Canje Secondary and from Georgetown / West Demerara – units from Buxton, Ann’s Grove, Plaisance, Tutorial, Pavilion, Sophia and West Demerara.


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