French kiss & apology soften Magistrate Moore



Senior Magistrate Alex Moore last week again made another unpopular decision of allowing a couple to engage in a French kiss in open court.

This move comes on the heels of a similar decision made by the magistrate a couple months ago when another couple appeared before him.

The move also comes even as the Defendant Karlsson Faucette stood the risk of being remanded to an already congested and overcrowded prison system which went up a notch after the Camp Street Jail fire which displaced the entire prison population at that facility.

Faucett, who at the time of his offence of assaulting his reputed wife, was reportedly reeling from discomfort and frustration following a medial surgery he underwent.

The court heard that on the day in question, he unlawfully wounded his reputed wife of 14 years, Carolyn Cort causing her to suffer “minor breaking in the skin”.

The man pleaded not guilty to charge when it was read to him by the magistrate and that forced some mediatory style questions from Magistrate Moore.

During that line of questioning it was discovered that during the period of togetherness the couple raised two children and it was agreed by both parties that this was the first such incident and that the man has been very supportive to his children and the woman over the years.

The virtual complainant told the court that it baffled her as to what precipitated the man’s outburst and that prompted the magistrate to turn his attention to the man.

It was during that period of questioning that the defendant told the court that he had a lot on his mind after the emotional trauma of a near death experience he had during an accident which saw him going through surgery. He further told the court he had no one to talk to.

Asked about the 72hrs he spent in the lockups, the man said it was one of the most horrible periods in the life even as he was unaware of who was the person delivering food each day for him at the station but refused to leave a name or even see him, it turned out that the person was his reputed wife whom he had assaulted.

Breaking down in tears after he heard that the woman cried each time she was preparing the meals to deliver to him while he was in the lockups, the man vowed never to raise his hands again at the woman or anyone.
Magistrate Moore then told the defendant, “the offence you have committed carries a maximum penalty of 18 months in prison but I have no desire to imprison a good man who made a mistake. Further I will not contribute to a crises of an over populated prison system when I have the power to prevent sending someone there who is willing to mend his ways.”

He continued, “Well Sir you’re in luck! You now have her full attention and a shot at making this right”.

After two apologies that neither the court, the magistrate or the eagerly participating members of the public found to be good enough, and after much encouragement from the packed courtroom and amidst calls of “Hold ya woman boy!”, Fawcett took his reputed wife in arms, gave a moving and heartfelt apology and promised never to raise his hand to anyone again.

He sealed his promise with a kiss which was greeted with wild and enthusiastic cheers.

Even police officers in uniform were seen clapping. The magistrate expressed his satisfaction and the matter was dismissed with no evidence offered. (Leroy Smith)

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