Home Features Robert “Dublin” Hiscock: Determined to share his love for Guyana through music

Robert “Dublin” Hiscock: Determined to share his love for Guyana through music



With an undeniable love for Guyana’s rich culture, Robert “Dublin” Hiscock is determined to display his love and affection through a repertoire of mesmerizing but edgy music.

Even though he manages a demanding job as being the Heineken Brand Manager at Ansa Mcal Trading Limited, “Dublin” maintains that nothing will stand in the way of promoting Guyana’s splendor through the power of music.

Born November 7, 1989, this smooth-talking, musical Casanova already has a Degree in Business and Caribbean Studies under his belt and is currently reading for his Masters at Nation’s University.

Additionally, Dublin revealed that he was raised in a very loving home with a dad who was constantly on the go as he was a career diplomat. As such, moving around from country to country was a big part of his upbringing.

He said, “In many ways I feel as though it shaped me into the young man I am today; one who has an undying need to continuously try new things and experience different cultures.”

All in all, Dublin’s childhood was one full of excitement, great friends and great family and it is no different today. In an interview with the News Room, Dublin reveals more about his new projects, upcoming performances and what really influences his music. Here’s an extract of that dialogue.




NR: How and when did you discover your talent and what have you done thus far to train and polish your skills?

RH: I grew up in a family that loved to sing so it was always a big part of my life. In fact, my dad used to sing as part of a band in the UK when he was around my age now. When I went back to England in 2008 and started University, I began to build my own instrumentals and record. I missed Guyana so much that music became my way of reconnecting with my Guyanese friends and the country’s culture. After a while, Jonathan Beepat heard my music and as part of Wildfire Productions, he took me under his wing and arranged for me to open for acts such as Gyptian, Tarrus Riley and Demarco. Those experiences, collectively, form my initiation to music. However, shortly after those shows, I took a break from music until I was asked to be a part of the Golden Children Project. To continue to improve however, I have begun practicing almost daily to refine my abilities.


NR: What are two misconceptions about you?

RH: I think primarily, one of the biggest misconceptions is that I am stuck up. Part of the reason for that is because I am actually very shy. People can sometimes misinterpret my shyness as me being rude or snobbish. A lot of the times, persons assume that I have always had it easy, but like anyone, I have gone through my own trials and tribulations, heartbreaks, struggles, and I’ve made mistakes. After all I am human too.


NR: Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of?

RH: To date, I’d have to say that I am proud of my academic achievements. For many who knew me in High School, I always found it difficult to focus on academia; immaturity I suppose. Thus, being able to complete my degree, with relatively high marks, was a mammoth-size achievement for me personally.


NR: What genre/s of music do you enjoy exploring?

RH: I love dancehall and culture. However in recent times, and as I have grown as an artiste, the direction I wish to take my music in is one more based around mainstream, EDM music – Tropical Dance in particular


NR: What are some of your latest tracks and where can we find your music?

RH: My latest and perhaps most popular song is GT Woman Which was released for the Golden Children Album and Guyana’s Golden Jubilee. I will soon be releasing two more songs: “Love” and “Getting High”. All three songs will be performed at the National Stadium on the May, 27. My music and general information about me can be found on facebook.com/dublin592, instagram.com/dublin592 and soundcloud.com/dublin592


NR: What disappoints you the most about Guyana’s music industry?

RH:  Of recent, I have noticed promoters and radio stations really supporting our local artists. Prior to this era of heightened nationalism however, it was rare for local acts to be given priority on our airwaves and at our concerts. I do believe though that as the caliber of music produced locally gets better, so will the attention and respect we get from those who listen to and promote our music. We have a long way to go, but we are definitely heading in the right direction. It is imperative that we support our local entertainers; a developed local music industry will have endless benefits for our society as a whole and could assist in putting Guyana on the map internationally.


NR: What are four weird facts about you?

RH: Four?! Ok. Here goes… LOL.

  1. I don’t eat rice
  2. I can’t start my day without a Lucozade
  3. I am incredibly shy
  4. I live alone with my three dogs, G, Bear and Mama


NR: What or who influences your style and taste in music?

RH: I think primarily nowadays I influence the style or direction my music has taken. Ultimately, one thing that singing for several years now has taught me is the importance of discovering oneself and then not being ashamed to put that out there. Once you stay true to who you are very little can stop you.


NR: What inspires the lyrical content of your music?

RH: A multitude of different things. There are two types of writers. There are those who conceptualize songs and create them out of thin air and produce the instrumental to suit. I am the other type of writer, I listen to instrumentals all the time and then write a song based on the emotion that particular beat invokes. Once I figure out how I feel about a beat, the lyrics are then based on my past experiences and others around me.



NR: What projects are you working on?

RH: As of right now, I am finishing off a couple of new songs, and prepping for the big show on the 27th of May. Once all the activities of May are over, my focus will be on completing an album before the close of 2016.


NR: Do you have any regrets as far as the music industry is concerned or is there anything you would do differently?

RH: Not really. I love music and performing. I am thankful for any opportunities I am given and have been incredibly lucky with the support I have been given.


NR: What are you most afraid of?

RH: Cows! Long story




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