The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) on Friday said it has noted with concern a number of allegations and issues against officers of the agency which were raised by members of the Upper Corentyne business community.
The Authority said these allegations are currently under investigation, committing that the findings will be made available to the public.
News Room previously reported that a Corriverton woman has expressed fear for her life and that of her family after enforcement officers of the GRA barged into her home and took her into custody when they failed to locate another family who is reportedly wanted by the agency.
56-year-old Indrouti Shamshundar of Block 19 Linepath, Lot 536 Corriverton, Berbice said the officers barged into her home looking for her 20- year-old nephew. The woman said she is in Guyana visiting her ailing 78-year-old mother for a short period and is unaware of anyone by the name the officers were asking. She said her nephew is known to her by the name of “Ratty.”
Being unable to locate the young man, the officers took away her passport and demanded that she goes with them to the Springlands office of the GRA, after which they told her that she will be passing through the court and will be required to pay a fine.
The officers who reportedly visited the woman’s home are said to be from Georgetown and were identified as Eusi Robertson, Mark Zippan and Alvin Seaford.
Upon enquiring, News Room understands that the woman’s nephew was charged for smuggling and a fine was imposed on him, but he allegedly wrote a letter to the GRA seeking leniency with respect to the fine which was imposed on him.
The woman said the behaviour of the enforcement officers was unnecessary and is seeking justice.
The Corriverton Mayor also raised concerns with News Room regarding the excessive behaviour of the GRA officers.