Home Education Education Ministry streamlining operation of private schools

Education Ministry streamlining operation of private schools


Minister of Education, Dr. Rupert Roopnarine has announced that a Coordinator of Private Schools has been appointed to regulate the involvement of these essential stakeholders in the education system.


This appointment gives the private school operators an opportunity to make a structured contribution to the management and enhancement of the education system, Minister Roopnarine said.


Speaking at the launch of Education Month, the Minister pointed out that, more private schools are entering the education sector.


However, it was noted that the private schools are not the only stakeholders that the Ministry is seeking to embrace their role as the participants and benefactors of the education system.


Minister Roopnarine said the Ministry’s recent appointment of a Coordinator of Parent Teachers’ Associations (PTAs) will get the parents, who are also crucial stakeholders, to engage their children and the education system.


Former Queen’s College Principal, Nadia Hollingsworth is the new PTA Coordinator.


The Minister pointed out that, “Education cannot be delivered in a vacuum. The act of parenting is complementary to the system and can enhance what the system sets out to do, if only there is the required synergy between the efforts of the schools and those of the parents at home. The Parent Teachers’ Association should provide an opportunity for the enhancement of the skill of parenting in as much as it provides an opportunity for the parents to be engaged in the governance of the schools while supplementing the delivery of the curriculum at home.”



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