CH&PA looking to reclaim unused lands given to Private developers
Plans are afoot to repossess lands that are not being used by some private developers by Ministry of Communities as some of its turn-key houses will be ready by next month.
The Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) while looking to correct and expand it turn-key project, the department is examining how to reclaim lands given to some private developers that are not being utilized says Chairman of the Board, Hamilton Green.
“We are now looking at the question of large swaths of land given to private developers who have not done what they were expected to do, have not put in infrastructure, and right now at CHPA, we’re looking at means to establish that they’re in violation of the terms of agreement and perhaps recover those lands to make them productive…we don’t believe it is right for people to be given large tracks of land at moderate prices and just sit on it for speculated purposes” Green said.
The Chairman of the Board said thousands of homes are expected to be built come next year for low and middle-income persons.
According to him, those in the public services will be given first preference when more houses become available next month.
Green said millions were spent to build houses in the last turnkey project that were not properly constructed as efforts are being made now to correct those defaults.
He said, “it is unbelievable that those contractors were given their final payments and the houses not properly done”.
He disclosed that the works should be completed in a month depending on the weather conditions.
The Central Housing and Planning Authority Chair also confirmed that talks with the Islamic Development Bank are not yet wrapped up, but assures that the Bank is willing to fund future housing plans here.