Home Crime Murdered carpenter’s family continues to receive death threats; police refuse to take...

Murdered carpenter’s family continues to receive death threats; police refuse to take report


By Royan Abrams

Although several persons have been charged with the organised murder of 27-year-old Faiyaz Narinedat, a carpenter of #70 Village, Corentyne, family members are receiving death threats, allegedly from the Liaison officer of the Community Policing Group (CPG) in Berbice.

The relatives on Thursday expressed frustration that the ranks from the Skeldon Police Station are refusing to handle the reports of threats made against them.

Only recently the Liaison Officer of the Community Policing Group (name withheld) contacted a 17- year- old female and warned her against sharing posts on social media about their group’s involvement in the alleged murder.

“I got a phone call and the person ask if this is (name withheld) and I said yes and the female caller asked if I put up a bag with the names of the suspects at the bus shed and I said no, but I was there and I took pictures of it and post it on Facebook. So she then ask me if I know she is who, and I said no. She said she name is Radika and that I will see she soon when she come and pick me up and lock me up and if I continue to post things on Facebook she will send Marcus (Marcus Brian Bisram- alleged mastermind behind murder) people to kill all of us,” the teen recalled.

Prior to that threat, the wife of the late Faiyaz Narinedat also received a threatening phone call from the same woman. According to Narinedat’s wife Pooja Pitam, the police at the Skeldon Police Station have since refused to take any information from the family in relation to the threats although efforts were made to file a report at the station.

Narinedatt's wife; Poonam Pitam
Narinedatt’s wife; Pooja Pitam

Narinedatt’s family want the Minister of Public Security to conduct a thorough investigation into the operations of the Skeldon Police Station as well as the Community Police Group which recently benefited from a total of $5.5M from Bisram during two of his recent visits to Guyana.

So far seven persons including two females have been charged in connection with Narinedat’s murder. He was killed on November 01, 2016, after he slapped overseas based Guyanese Marcus Bisram for sexually harassing him. However, Bisram who is said to be the mastermind behind the murder is yet to be arrested and charged but police are in receipt of information of where Bisram is staying in the United States and arrangements are being made to have him in Guyana.

Several police officers attached to the Skeldon Police Station are also accused of covering up the murder which was initially said to be a hit and run accident following the result of a post mortem. The incident is now being treated as murder after eyewitnesses came forward and provided Narindedatt’s family with information of what really took place on the night he was killed and placed on the #70 Public Road.



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