GAWU highlights the importance of national and social cohesion during Christmas season


GAWU’s Christmas Message – 2016

The universal messages of religious events and festive celebrations like Christmas are generally positive and relate to hope, to good and to the sustenance of the human spirit in the face of almost daily challenges to life.

In Guyana, the varied religious-based events uphold the values of commemorating some memorable giving or sharing and the triumph of good over evil, of compassion and our humanity to our fellow humans. The festival of Christmas as a precursor to the end of our calendar year is one such celebration.

With those sentiments in mind, the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) wishes to share in extending Christmas Greetings to all Guyanese and such others of peace, joy and goodwill at this time. GAWU is quite familiar with and aware of the message of hope and salvation embedded in Christianity’s embrace of the Birth of the Christ Child.

We have noted with reverence many worthy lessons contained in the Bible and teachings which still guide our life and behaviour in this 21st Century.

One can even recognize the parallel related to taxation to the burdensome impending taxes in store for us and contained in the 2017 Budget. Apart from the increase in taxation Christmas 2016 is marked by enormous challenges that are borne by the working people. Social ills like daily crime, fatal traffic accidents, challenges in health care, all present a dramatic reality to this year’s Festival of the Birth.

However, GAWU wishes that the Spirit of the season still be embraced by all Guyanese. Let hope and the confidence that our struggle will ensure the dawning of a better day. Let also this Christmas time remind us once again of the need, importance and value of national and social cohesion.

GAWU wishes all Guyanese, not forgetting its Members, Executives and Staff – a peaceful, pleasant Season and a 2017 filled with hope and fulfilled expectations.



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