UPDATED: Amaila Hydropower Project: PPP wants Gov’t to apologise to Norway for misrepresenting the report
The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) says it wishes to see Amaila Falls Hydropower Project (AFHP) re-start immediately, and is willing to engage in discussions on all the recommendations set out in the Norconsult assessment.
With that in mind, the PPP calls on all Guyanese to join with them in ensuring that the APNU/AFC Government acts in the interest of the people of Guyana, apologises for their repeated lies about the project and instead work to make AFHP a success.
A statement from the Office of the Opposition Leader said it is important to re-emphasise that even with the original financing structure, AFHP would have delivered more electricity for less money than today, avoided any public debt for Guyana, and reintroduced Guyana to the global capital markets for the first time in 40 years. Any marginal improvements the Opposition Leader noted, that can be achieved now are dwarfed by the losses incurred by Guyana because of APNU+AFC’s actions since August 2013.
To try and repair the damage, Norconsult sets out how AFHP can be operational in six and a half years time – mainly because the original tenders date from 2008 and now need to be re-tendered.
The review pointed out, however, that Amaila Falls alone cannot provide a 100% emission free power generation in Guyana. Other generating sources will have to be added in parallel like sun, wind and thermal production based on emission neutral fuel (bagasse) for back-up in the dry periods when the water flow to AFHP may be insufficient for full capacity operation. Something which the current Government says it will be exploring.
As highlighted by the Leader of the Opposition and who is the brainchild of the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS), since the power demand is growing, and for reaching the goal of 100% emission free generation by 2025, as assumed by the LCDS, a second hydropower plant of capacity comparable with AFHP will have to be commissioned by 2025.
It is also the view of the consultants that the BOOT type public private partnership model should be maintained for the project implementation. An internationally well merited investor and operator in the hydropower industry should be invited to take the majority position and the driving seat (main sponsor) in the project company.
It was suggested, in the review that the cost for buying out Sithe Global from the project company and expenses for services by an engineering company engaged for support until a new main sponsor is established, are covered from a portion of the USD 80 million deposit in IDB for later being turned into equity contribution from GOG to the project company.
It is estimated that three years will be required from a decision is taken to resume project preparation for AFHP until Financial Close and Notice to Commence to the EPC Contractor.
From this point in time, another 3.5 years is estimated for construction until start commercial operation of Amaila Falls Hydropower Project.