Home Business Motorists expected to honor current parking regulations until By-laws amended

Motorists expected to honor current parking regulations until By-laws amended


Come Monday (February 20, 2017) when motorists will once again be required to pay for parking in Central Georgetown, Smart City Solutions has noted that the current rates and enforcement measures under the existing By-Laws will be “in full force and effect.”

This it said will continue until such time as the by-laws are amended.

Below is a press statement issued by Smart City Solutions on Saturday, February 18, 2017

On February 17 2017, Smart City Solutions and the Mayor and Town Clerk of the City of Georgetown held a joint press conference to announce certain changes to the rates and implementation structure of the Georgetown metered parking project, which have been agreed by SCS and the M&CC, and will take effect upon amendment of the relevant By-Laws.

During such time as the amendment process of the relevant By-Laws is underway, the current rates and enforcement measures under the existing By-Laws will be in full force and effect.

Motorists are thus requested to observe the current parking regulations on Monday, 20-February and until such time as the relevant By-Laws have been amended and published in The Official Gazette.

What follows is a summary of the changes to the rates and implementation structure.


  • Pay by Space will be changed to Pay by Plate
    • Rather than paying for a particular space for a particular amount of time, motorists will instead be paying for parking time for their particular cars.
    • This effectively means that motorists may purchase any amount of parking time and then move from any metered parking space to any other metered parking space anywhere in the City for the amount of time purchased on a single parking ticket until its expiry.


  • Metered Parking Fees
    • The Metered Parking Fee for all motorists that purchase parking for 8 hours or more will be reduced by 50% to $25 per 15 minutes plus VAT.
    • The Metered Parking Fee for all motorists parking for periods of 15 minutes to 4 hours shall remain the same at $50 per 15 minutes plus VAT.
    • Any motorist paying for 4 hours of metered parking (at the current rate of $50 per 15 minutes plus VAT) will automatically be credited with 8 hours of metered parking.


  • Enforcement Changes
  • An enforcement grace period of 15 minutes will be introduced, meaning that no clamping will be conducted until at least 15 minutes after expiry of a parking ticket receipt.
    • Example:
      • a vehicle parked at 1:00pm and purchased 1 hour of metered parking;
      • this car will may not be immobilized until after 2:15pm.


  • There will be no immobilization fee penalty for a one month adjustment period;
    • During this one month adjustment period, vehicles that are immobilised for non payment of metered parking fees, will be required to pay only the metered parking fee for such time that they were immobilised, and nothing else.
    • Example:
      • a vehicle is immobilized at 10:00am for not paying the metered parking fee during the one month adjustment period;
      • if the vehicle owner claims the immobilised vehicle at 11:00am, the owner will be required to pay $200 plus VAT (calculated at a one hour rate) upon release of the vehicle;
      • if the vehicle owner claims the immobilised vehicle at 6:00pm, the owner will be required to pay $800 plus vat (calculated at an eight hour rate) upon release of the vehicle;
    • For 6 months (after expiry of the one month adjustment period) the Immobilisation Fee will be reduced by 50% to $4,000 plus VAT.


  • Regarding other parking regulations violations which are not related to metered parking (parking by fire hydrants, corners, etc.), any related Immobilisation Fees will be reduced for a period of 7 months.
  • Other Special Considerations
  • Businesses may apply for monthly parking permits which may be considered on a case by case basis.
  • Businesses may apply for loading/offloading parking regulations as their business needs may require on a case by case basis.
  • Official Taxis and Minibuses may purchase metered parking monthly passes for $12,000 per month plus VAT.
  • Residents may apply for residential parking permits.
  • Note: the concept of Parking Permits is already contemplated by the current By-Laws and will not require amendment



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