While Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan has declared Sunday, March 12, 2017, as the date for Phagwah, the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha (GHDS) will be going ahead with their celebrations on Monday, March 13, 2017.
On February 20, 2017, Ramjattan declared that Consequent upon Phagwah falling on a Sunday, and by virtue of the application of Sections 3 (1) and (2) of the Public Holidays Act, Chapter 19:07, Monday, March 13, 2017, will be a Public Holiday as well.
However, in a statement outlining its activities for Phagwah this year, the Dharmic Sabha said Phagwah or Holi will be celebrated on Monday, March 13th.
As a consequence, Holika Dahan of the Burning of Holika will be observed by the night of Sunday, March 12th on Purnima or full moon night, while those observing Phagwah on Sunday, March 12, 2017, will be busy exchanging sweets with family and friends.
The Sabha said in Georgetown, special Satsangh will be held at the Shri Krishna Mandir Campbelville at 6:30 pm followed by the burning of Holika at the Camptown Ground at 7:30 pm.
On March 13, the Sabha will also be hosting its annual Holi Utsav at the Everest Cricket Club Ground at 4 pm. At this occasion, there will be scintillating performances, powder giveaways, countdowns, colour throws, dance instructions for the crowd, food stalls and other exciting activities at this family event.
Holi Utsav will also be held at the Bath Community Centre Ground on this day beginning at 4 pm. On March 13th also, the Essequibo Praant will host its Phagwah Mela at the Anna Regina Community Centre Ground at 2:30 pm.
The Sabha urges all to attend these events which usher in the beautiful spring festival of Holi.
The Sabha urges all to attend these events which usher in the beautiful spring festival of Holi.
Holi is a Hindu spring festival also known as the “festival of colours” or the “festival of love”. The festival signifies the victory of good over evil and a time for persons to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair broken relationships.