Home Health Baby Girl successfully delivered mid-air, onboard GDF Aircraft

Baby Girl successfully delivered mid-air, onboard GDF Aircraft


A Guyana Defence Force’s aircraft was this afternoon (Saturday, May 27, 2017) transformed into a delivery room as a baby girl anxiously made her entrance into the world mid-air.

According to the GDF, the baby was born at exactly 05:48 pm during a scheduled flight out of Fairview; an Amerindian Village in the North Rupununi.

The mother had developed complications as the infant was in the breeched position and so a request was made for her to be air dashed to the city.

The delivery was spearheaded by a Medical Student of the Texila American University who was fortunately onboard according to the Force.

The baby and mother have since been transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital.

Pilots, Majors Mohinder Ramjag and Patrick Nicols were elated and are also happy that both mother and child are safe.

This is the first known mid-air delivery, in recent times, that occurred on a GDF aircraft, the Force said.

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