Goldburn December, a 47-year-old man who today (Wednesday, June 21, 2017), brutally murdered his 40-year-old wife has recently returned to Guyana.
News Room was told that the man also known as “Goldie” has been with the woman, Mintie Karamchand for over 20 years during which they had five children. However, eight years ago the suspect left for Suriname and only returned to Guyana last month after he was deported from that country.

News Room understands that at about 9:00 hours this morning, Karamchand, her husband and their 20-year-old daughter, Drucilla December was at their Sheet Anchor, East Canje, Berbice, home when a heated argument ensued between the couple.
According to their daughter Drucilla December, she was at the upper flat of the home feeding her baby when she heard her mother asking her father “Goldie what you want?”
She related that “when I run downstairs, and I peep through the window, I see she fall down on the ground, and I start to holler and tried to go between them, and he shout on me to move because I had the baby in my hand, and then he go forward for a bench, and I run out and hollering for help, and nobody ain’t come…”

“Afterwards I come in back, she de lay down on the ground. she de still breathing and then my grandfather come and them tek she to the hospital” the woman’s daughter added.
Drucilla added that she had indicated to her mother that she was preparing to move out to her own place, but her mother told her not to do so, as she (mother) was going to move in with her new partner, whom she met after her husband left.
According to information reaching the News Room, when the suspect was told of the decision he became annoyed and attacked the woman and dealt her several chops about her body and ran out the yard.
He later returned, and after realising that the woman was not dead, he picked up a chair and dealt the woman three lashes to her head, after which he allegedly collected a piece of rope and fled across nearby the nearby Canje River.
The police are currently hunting for the suspect.