(Georgetown, June 27, 2017, Education Ministry) – The Ministry of Education is advising parents of nursery aged children (3 years 6 Months old), throughout Guyana, to contact the schools that they have applied to for the ‘Placement Letters’ as these are now available.
Importantly, parents who have not yet registered their children are also being urged to do so at the earliest possible time.
The requirements to facilitate the registration process include: the child’s birth certificate, clinic card and the parents’ proof of address. For entry into Nursery School a child has to be born on or before June 30 in the year of his/her third birthday for admission (e.g. for admission to Nursery school in September 2017, a child must be born on or before June 30, 2014, OR he/she will be 3 years 6 months on or before December 31, 2017, to be admitted in September 2017).
The Nursery Department has also commenced its Parental Sessions with parents to inform them of potential nursery students on the transition from home to school. These sessions, which are being held nationwide, covers the following areas:-
- Autobiographical information and literacy skills
- His/her correct name (not calling the child by call names – Baby, Lovie, and Sugar etc.)
- His/her their age (e.g. I am 3 years old)
- His/her mother’s and father’s name. (e.g. My mother’s name is Ann)
- Where he/she lives (e.g. I live in Bent Street)
- To answer in a complete simple sentence e.g. I am a boy. My name is Kern.
- Mathematical concepts – Numeral 1 – 3/5 (by counting the flight of stairs he/she has to climb or the number of clothes pegs in the basket etc.)
- Colours (e.g. please bring me your red socks. You will wear your yellow coat today. Bring me the green ball; put on your red shirt. Etc)
- Point to things that are round/triangle/square in shape in the house/room/around you, outdoors.
- Healthy habits – When to say please, thank you, sorry, good morning/afternoon and excuse me.
- Cover his/her mouth when coughing/sneezing
- Say when he/she wants to use the washroom etc.
- Simple Standard English/Oral language development
- Talk to your child regularly – Ask him/her questions and allow him/her to ask you questions
- Read a story to your child every night.