Guyana’s top badminton player, Narayan Ramdhani, has been selected by the Pan American Badminton Federation to attend a High-Level Player Development Camp in Mexico from September 15-20. The camp will be conducted by a coach from The Netherlands.
The Guyana Badminton Association said this is a great step for Ramdhani as he will be training with some of Pan American’s world ranked players, the likes of Kevin Cordon of Guatemala and Osleni Guerrero of Cuba.
After the camp Ramdhani will then participate in the International Mexicano 2017 Championships, which will be held in Mexico from September 21-25.
Ramdhani is currently in the second year of a five-year badminton scholarship in Vancouver, Canada. He was recently in Guyana on a two-month break.
During that break, he won the Guyana Olympic Association’s Olympic Day tournament, participated in the Shuttle Time Course and conducted a badminton training camp through the Ministry of Education.
He also performed coaching duties with the national junior team that won eight medals in Trinidad and Tobago.