Home Business ‘Run down’ hotels can face foreclosure

‘Run down’ hotels can face foreclosure


By Bibi Khatoon

Some hotels across the city can receive notices for foreclosure if they do not improve the condition of their facilities.

Town Clerk, Royston King at a press conference on Friday, January 12, said the council continues to receive complaints of hoteliers “operating ram shack places without proper sanitary convenience.”

The Town Clerk said “in one case, the owner has only plastic butter bowls with water for guests to wash their hands. He said some have “smelly torn mattresses” while others have “smelly floorings, walls and roofs with gaping holes accommodating termites, rats and roaches.”

According to Carl Dey, Chief Environmental Officer at City Hall, there are approximately 90 hotels across the city and between 15 to 20 of them are not in keeping with the required standards.

Some of these hotels or lodging houses as they are referred to, seem to have been registered without a grading system because in his view, the Council was only been interested in the revenue.

However, Dey said this year, the facilities will be graded and those grades will be published.

He further noted that the owners will be taken to court and the businesses face closure if they fail to meet the requirements.

The systems, he said, will be put in place in accordance with Chapter 28:01 of the laws of Guyana.



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