Home Crime 18 months jail for stealing Water Pump

18 months jail for stealing Water Pump

Andrew Arjune

A 30-year-old man was today sentenced to 18 months imprisonment by Magistrate Judy Latchman for stealing a water pump.

Andrew Arjune admitted that on April 5, 2018, at Kitty Seawall Road, he stole a Honda water pump valued $200,000 property of Deonauth Lallta.

According to the facts represented in court by Police Prosecutor, Arwin Moore, the man was caught red-handed by the police with the stolen item.

Arjune was given a second chance last month by Magistrate Latchman when he appeared before her for stealing zincs from the Guyana Public Service Union’s Sports Ground complex.

Magistrate Latchman reminded Arjune that she was merciful the last time.



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