Five months after being released from prison, 21-year-old Winston Long was on Wednesday remanded on two armed robbery charges.
Long appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman and denied that on August 27 at High Street, Wek-en-Rust, while being in the company of others and armed with a cutlass, he robbed Arif Wahab of an iPhone 5S cell phone valued $75,000
It is also alleged that Long robbed Krishna Seenaran of $4,000 cash.
Police Prosecutor, Quinn Harris told the court that Long was positively pointed out by the virtual complainants during an identification parade.
The court heard that on the day in question at about 02:15 hrs, the complainants were attacked by Long, who was armed with a cutlass and ordered them to hand over their valuables. He then escaped on foot.
Harris opposed bail based on the seriousness of the offence.
Long, who was unrepresented, told the court that he has no knowledge of the allegation and was beaten by the police while in custody.
He was remanded to prison until September 26.
Long was among the 13 prisoners who had escaped from the Lusignan Prison on July 24, 2017. He was sentenced to one-year jail after pleading guilty to the charge and was released from prison on March 11, 2018.