Home Crime Ganja, cellphones, other items found at NA prison

Ganja, cellphones, other items found at NA prison

Contraband items found at NA prison

The Guyana Prison Service along with the Guyana Police Force have discovered a quantity of contraband items at the New Amsterdam Prison. The following items were found during a search between 16:00hrs and 18:15hrs on Friday:

  • 3 cellular phones
  • One cellphone battery
  • 50 grams of cannabis
  • One improvised weapon
  • A quantity of fronto leaves
  • Seven cellular phone chargers
  • 10 cellular phone ear pieces
  • 22 razor blades
  • One metal spoon
  • One cellphone casing
  • A quantity of wire

Just yesterday, the prison service reported the discovery of 19 cellphones, five phone chargers, a flash drive, 15 cigarette lighters, two packs of cigarettes, five pairs of scissors, seven improvised weapons and 500 grams of marijuana at the Georgetown Prison.

Also, early on Friday, a police officer was arrested after he attempted to smuggle contrabands into the Lusignan Prison.

Reports are that the rank who was slated to work the said location went next to the fence and attempted to get a black plastic bag into the prison compound. The bag was discovered with a cellular phone, one cellular phone charger and seven packs of cigarettes.



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