Home Politics ‘City Hall’s PR Dept. a waste of time’ – Mayor

‘City Hall’s PR Dept. a waste of time’ – Mayor

To further drive home the point of the Mayor, an officer of the PR department was fast asleep during the council meeting and only woke up when the argument started. Town Clerk (ag) Sharon Munroe is seated at the front

Monday’s Statutory meeting at the Mayor and City Council saw the Mayor Ubraj Narine and Town Clerk butting heads as it relates to the functions of the Public Relations (PR) Department.

The Mayor said he is disappointed with the work of the PR Department and that it is currently a waste of money because it is not functioning the way it is supposed to.

The Mayor alluded to instances where the Department dropped the baton and continues to do so.

The Mayor says he will do his work without the help of the PR department.

“I got a work to do at Council and I am doing my work fairly, I come here elected as the Mayor I’m doing my job but the admin doesn’t seem not to want to work along with the Mayor.

The Mayor says he will do his work without the help of the PR department.

“The amount of calls I have to make to get the PR is a stress, is a tension…You have to go through about 20 people before you can reach the PR. I will not contact the PR Department, I will go out and do my work and how I’m gonna get my PR done, so we are paying a department…a waste of time, wasting the money of the city residents,” the Mayor argued.

Similar sentiments were echoed by Councillor 19-year-old Ayodele Roach who called the department “a waste.”

The Councillor later retracted her statement but her argument remained the same.

To further drive home the point of the Mayor, an officer of the PR department was fast asleep during the council meeting and only woke up when the argument started.

The Town Clerk (ag) Sharon Munroe did not take too kindly to the criticisms and sought to defend the work of the Department.

“Your Worship it would be unfair to hear you of all person saying that…it must be noted that in every organization while we look at transparency and accountability, I’m all for that, but it must be done in a structured manner.

“In relation to the PR Department, it works with all the Councillors including yourself.”

The Town Clerk then explained that requests should be made to the Department in advance if it is needed for an event.

She explained that the Mayor’s office would need to publish an itinerary.

But Mayor Narine said the Town Clerk needs put her foot down as it relates to the management of the M&CC.

The matter was forwarded to the Human Resources committee and will be brought back to the council at the next meeting.

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