Ravindra Harry produced the Best Net score of the day, only just edging out veterans Fazil Haniff and Paton George by one stroke to win the El Dorado golf tournament on Saturday at the Lusignan Golf Course.
In the other two Flights there was keen competition also, so much so that in the 0-9 Flight there was a 4-way tie for the Best Net!
In the 0-9 Flight, winners and their scores were: First– Jaipaul Suknanan (71/9); Second– reigning Guyana Open Champion Avinash Persaud (71/2); Third- Patrick Prashad (71/9); and Fourth- Mike Mangal (71/8).
In the 10-18 Flight, winners were: First- Ravindra Harry (67/16); Second – Fazil Haniff (68/15); and Third – Paton George (68/18). They were closely followed by ‘Max’ Persaud (69/14); Dr. Philbert London (70/18); Ayube Subhan (72/14); and George Bulkan (73/16).
In the 19-28 Flight, winners were: First – Gavin Todd (69/19); Second – Imtiaz Subhan (70/19); and Third – Videsh Persaud (71/28). Brian Hackett (72/23) and Shanella London (73/15) were close on the winners’ heels.
The special prizes went to Alfred Mentore (Longest Drive), Satrohan Tiwari (Nearest-to-the-Pin) and Avinash Persaud (Best Gross).