Of the 68 tests that were done in the last 24 hours, there are 15 new cases of COVID-19 in Guyana, the country’s Chief Medical; Officer Shamdeo Persaud reported Friday.
In institutional isolation, the country now has 109 active cases. In institutional quarantine, there are 16 persons. There is one person in the COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit.
A total of 109 persons have recovered and the number of deaths remains at 12.
Persaud called on We call again on the residents of Moruca in the North West District and those of the mining communities in Region #7 to heed the warnings on how to protect themselves.
“This disease is easily transmitted when you are in close contact with someone who is positive,” Dr Persaud stated.
He said a large number of positive cases in both of these regions have no signs and symptoms.
“These persons can transmit this disease and you will not even know that they are sick because there is no sign to tell you this.
“I continue to urge you to wear a mask and observe the physical distance guidelines provided,” Dr Persaud stated.
He said toshaos and village councillors, the owner of mining operations and others have a role to play in preventing the spread of the pandemic.
“We need you to impress upon your villagers and workers the importance of what we are saying.
All of the evidence points to the fact that if the guidelines are followed, the disease will be contained,” Dr Persaud stated.
Dr Persaud reminded that on July 1 and 2, 2020, students will be writing the National Grade Six Assessment Exam.
He reminded parents/guardians, teachers and students that exam conditions will be different due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
“You need to be reminded of some of the arrangements: parents, you cannot enter the compound with your child, that they will be sitting at some distance away from each other and that during the breaks they will not be allowed to congregate with their friends,” Dr Persaud stated.
He urged parents to use the weekend to support and encourage as they prepare children mentally for the two days of exams.