The South Rupununi District Council (SRDC) has lambasted the Regional Executive Officer, Carl Parker for recommending charges against Village Toshaos who are accused of hiding persons that illegally enter from Brazil.
A statement from the Council on Thursday noted that the Toshaos were also told that if there is an increase in COVID-19 cases in their villages “they can expect little help from the regional authorities.”
Parker on Thursday told the News Room that some villages in Region Nine are hiding persons who cross over from Brazil illegally. Since the borders were shut in mid-March to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Region has been challenged with illegal border crossings.
Of the so far 18 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Region, half are imported cases from Brazil – one of the countries with the most cases in the world.
The Council also noted that recommendations were made to the Region 9 COVID-19 Task Force for a more effective COVID-19 response, but to date, nothing much has been done.
It was noted that Village Toshaos are now overwhelmed in trying to keep their communities safe with little support from the Task Force.
The Villages have come together to conduct regular patrols along the border in an effort to prevent the illegal border crossings from Brazil.
Over 30 persons were tested on Thursday in Baitoon, Katuur, Quiko and Potarinau Villages in the South Rupununi; testing was also done in Surama, Annai and Aranaputa in the North.
The Council proposed that the Regional Task Force work together with the Council to tackle COVID-19 and keep the villages safe.
Sad situation.
Pot telling the kettle his bottom black, u have no game plan to assist the villages so next best thing is to abuse your powers. Lethem borders cannot be control and no one is being arrested there, now picking on the to shake, real eyepass