Home Health Health Minister asks protesting nurses to be patient until Budget is passed

Health Minister asks protesting nurses to be patient until Budget is passed

Protesting health workers in Linden (Photo: Deron Adams/Facebook)

Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony is asking nurses who have been protesting for risk allowance to be patient for a few more days until the 2020 National Budget is passed.

Health workers from the Linden Hospital Complex and West Demerara Regional Hospital are also protesting late salaries this month.

Dr Anthony assured that some $150M has been allocated in the budget to be paid as risk allowance to health workers.

A health worker protesting at West Demerara Regional Hospital (Photo: Earl Melville/Facebook)

“The issues as I understand it is that they are protesting for risk allowances and in some cases I understand there is a secondary issue, some people were talking about personal protective equipment,” the Minister said on Thursday outside of the National Assembly.

“The issue of risk allowance, the nurses and other frontline workers will have to give us maybe a few more days because tomorrow [Friday] we anticipate the passing of the budget.”

Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony [Photo: News Room/September 24, 2020]
The workers will receive the allowance between October and December and the Minister could not say how much each worker will receive.

As it relates to PPEs, the Minister said all hospitals are being provided with adequate supplies.

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  1. For 5 years and 5 months these same health care professionals were shat upon by first the legal Govt (4 years) and then the illegal (18 months) …..and no protest. Nice touch persons. This Government has been in for less than 60 days………did you call for a meeting first? Before protest? Write a letter? Before protest?

    If you have not figured out by now that you will be better treated under this Government than the last, than your thought processes are strictly racial with no basis in reality. Join the Sage group and keep racism alive and well!


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