President Irfaan Ali on Thursday announced that residents of Region 10 will soon benefit from the construction of 1,000 homes.
The Head of State was at the time addressing concerns relating to job creation in Region 10 communities that were raised by representatives of a local women’s group.
“We will be engaging the young people and women in the construction of the homes,” the President told the group of women.
The President said that the intention is to tap into the skills of residents, as well as to source the building materials from the community.
“We need the materials for the construction of these houses to come from this region. The lumber, the sawmill, block makers and carpenters will all be engaged; if you don’t have the skills, we will bring in people to train you so that employment is created for the residents here.”
He pointed to several other areas in terms of employment opportunities, which will target specific areas in the community, including access to educational materials for children; access to healthcare, and the provision of opportunities for residents to provide services to support the mining sector.
Several other government ministers, including the Ministers of Culture and Social Services, directly addressed the concerns of the women. (Extracted and modified from Office of the President)