The 23-year-old woman who was intercepted with cocaine, which was wrapped in a condom and placed in her vagina, at the Ogle airport Saturday last has so far excreted 25 of 73 cocaine filled pellets which she also swallowed.
Police Headquarters in a statement said the woman excreted 20 pellets at the weekend and an additional five on Monday.
The woman was arrested at about 11:00h after she was observed acting suspicious and subsequently found with the drugs wrapped in the condom in her vagina. The woman later admitted to also swallowing the 73 pellets.
Police had reported that just before she boarded a Caribbean Airlines flight #BW 215 destined for Barbados, they observed that she was acting suspiciously and as such a search was done.
The young lady was taken to a hospital to excrete the cocaine pellets.