Home Education Edu. Ministry makes preparations for teachers to receive COVID vaccines

Edu. Ministry makes preparations for teachers to receive COVID vaccines

A healthcare worker prepares one of the COVID-19 vaccines (Photo; DPI/March 11, 2021)
Joint Statement from the Ministry of Education and the Guyana Teachers’ Union on the arrival of COVID-19 vaccines to Guyana
The Ministry of Education and the Guyana Teachers’ Union welcome the recent arrival of COVID-19 vaccines to Guyana. While it is not and will not be mandatory for teachers to be vaccinated, the MoE and GTU will embark on a sensitization campaign to better inform teachers of the facts surrounding vaccination and the importance and benefits of being vaccinated. The choice as to whether a teacher is vaccinated will, however, remain with each individual teacher.
In preparation for when vaccines become available, plans for the rolling out of the vaccination process are being made and will be publicized at the appropriate time.
In the meanwhile, in pursuance of an agreement between the GTU and the MOE, and to become ready to access the vaccine, the MOE will issue letters to each teacher so as to make them easily identifiable to health personnel.

The Ministry of Education and the Guyana Teachers’ Union stand committed to their duty to ensure our teachers are safe, particularly at this time as we are all battling this pandemic together.



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