Home Sports News Room Sport Chat winners receive prizes

News Room Sport Chat winners receive prizes

Moen Gafoor (left) and Kareena Melville display their prizes, compliments of Regal Stationery and Computer Centre

Two of the four winners from the News Room Sport Chat have received their prizes, compliments of Regal Stationery and Computer Centre through their Ofimak brand.

On hand to collect their prizes were Moen Gafoor and Kareena Melville on behalf of her father, Andio Melville. The other two winners were Naline Mani and Devon Persaud.

The quartet won prizes after they were the first to provide correct answers to question posed on the four preview shows to the T20 International series between West Indies and Pakistan, which concluded on August 3.

The show was hosted by News Room’s Sport Editor, Avenash Ramzan, and Senior Sport Journalist, Akeem Greene, and also received support from B.M. Soat Auto Sales, V-Net Communications, Cricket Zone USA and the Trophy Stall.



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