Harmon promises vision, compassion in bid for PNC/R leadership


With a date set for the holding of the People’s National Congress Reform’s (PNC/R’s) Congress, Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon has announced his candidacy for party leader.

Harmon, who is expected to fully launch his campaign on Thursday, updated his Facebook page with the campaign flyer. He promises leadership with vision and compassion.

Already there is an outpouring of support on social media for Harmon, who some say has been working hard behind the scenes in recent weeks to rally support.

Harmon will be going up against Aubrey Norton and Dr. Richard Van West Charles, who have both confirmed that they will be contesting for the leadership of the party.

There is still no word on whether the current Leader and former President David Granger will seek re-election.

Chairperson of the PNC/R and acting Party Leader Volda Lawrence has also not said whether she will contest the top post. Lawrence previously said she will await nominations.

Harmon had previously campaigned for the position of Chairman, but lost to Lawrence.

The long-overdue 22nd Biennial Congress has been set for December 11 with nominations of candidates set for November 11, 2021.

This is according to reliable information provided to the News Room following a meeting of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the party on Wednesday.

Other likely contenders include the Shadow Attorney General Roysdale Forde.

The PNC/R is the largest party in the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) coalition party. APNU joined with the Alliance for Change (AFC) and was elected to government in 2015 before losing the last General and Regional elections in 2020.

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