Home Business President announces new four-lane highway from Crane to Schoonord

President announces new four-lane highway from Crane to Schoonord

President Dr Irfaan Ali

President Dr Irfaan Ali on Saturday announced that a new four-lane highway will be built from Crane on the West Coast of Demerara to Schoonord on the West Bank of Demerara.

President Ali was speaking at an event at Nismes, West Bank Demerara. The President explained that the new highway will help to alleviate traffic in this particular area.

“That is where you have a huge backup in traffic now,” President Ali said, noting that he visited the alignment on Friday. The new highway is expected to be about 3.5 miles in length.

This highway is expected to be built before the new proposed highway from the new Demerara River Bridge to Parika.



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