Home Crime Fires in Berbice: Millions in losses, several homeless

Fires in Berbice: Millions in losses, several homeless

Several homes were destroyed by fire in Berbice within the last three days

Several families are now homeless and left counting millions in losses after four separate fires destroyed their homes over the last three days.

On Monday, Boodnarine Dhanraj, 52 of Palmyra, East – Berbice, Corentyne was with his family celebrating the Diwali festivities in the bottom flat of the house when he was alerted by the screams of his grandchildren that there was a fire.

The man told the News Room that he was in his hammock and got up, grabbed his grandchildren, and ran out into the yard.

“…then me turn back and see the house on fire,” Dhanraj explained.

He said the blaze began just around 18:20 hrs and noted that while they had lit diyas, none were placed in the upper flat.

He added that the fire appears to have begun in the front room before it quickly spread through the entire house.

Dhanraj said he lived there with his wife and four children, ages 20, 22, 17 and 12 and is estimating some $6 M in losses.

He and his family are currently staying with his mother in her house on the same lot.

Persons willing to assist Dhanraj and his family can contact them on 633-8185.

Meanwhile, another fire at No. 50 Village, Corentyne, Berbice on Monday saw a Toyota 212 destroyed by flames and also caused damage to the house where the car was parked.

The car was owned by Enque Hintzen while the building is owned by Seymore Davis, who resides in the United States.

The building was occupied by Enque and two others. There was damage to the flooring of the house while the entire interior of the vehicle was burnt.

Separately, a gas line attached to a gas stove exploded and set fire to the home of Marcel Bobb of No. 8 Village, West Coast Berbice.

However, quick action by the fire service saved the building. There was only minor damage to the inner wall.

On Saturday, two homes were also burnt to the ground at No.79 Village. This was a result of a child playing with a lighter.



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