Home Politics Shuman blasts APNU+AFC for poor representation in Parliament

Shuman blasts APNU+AFC for poor representation in Parliament

Deputy Speaker and Leader of the Liberty and Justice Party, Lenox Shuman during his contribution to the debate of Budget 2023 (Photo: DPI/January 2023)

Deputy Speaker and Leader of the Liberty and Justice Party, Lenox Shuman, on Friday lambasted the APNU+AFC for their “poor representation” of the people in the National Assembly, noting that their pay should match their performance.

“When there is Parliament, some of them don’t even bother to log in, they don’t bother to show up. I think taxpayers need to tie performance and attendance to the pay of Parliament,” Shuman told the House during his contribution to the debate of Budget 2023.

Shuman, who did not address any aspect of the government’s $781.9 billion budget, said he is “disappointed and displeased” at the Opposition’s overall conduct and performance in the National Assembly.

He reminded Parliamentarians of their constitutional obligations when they took their oath and called on the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to take note of those who engage in race-baiting during sittings of the House.

“I hope GECOM and the country at large, pays attention…we have sat in this House and listened to a political party that sat in breach of the constitution for how many years and how many months, continue to trample on that very constitution…

“I have asked on several occasions for all of us, my colleagues to not revert to race-baiting…we are going to come in here and put sound bites that reach the far ends of this globe…why? Because it makes us look good.

“I would have thought that a party that would have exhausted every single constitutional means to hold on to power, would have educated themselves and read the constitution and know what their obligations are.

“And I will say that I am so sadly disappointed,” Shuman contended.

He recalled the first speaker of the debate, Nima Flue-Bess, who brought up the issue of race.

“On day one, our very first Speaker came into this House and started speaking about an apartheid state, about inherent racism and racist policies…

“Another speaker spoke about respect and conduct that we are to have in this House – it is as if they have just found themselves.”

Describing the Opposition as the “primary chaos” agents in Guyana, Shuman said they have no authority to speak on such issues.

He also criticised the APNU+AFC for its treatment of the indigenous peoples during its time in government, noting that not a single land title was issued.

“Land titling moved absolutely nowhere.

“I can say that with authority, because I sat on that board when party affiliates from APNU+AFC sat in that room and said we are not giving out any more land titles.

“Not on one occasion Mr Speaker…more than one occasion.”

Shuman urged the Opposition to lead by example and to do better for the people they represent.



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