Home Business More training opportunities to ensure young Guyanese become skilled, fill vacancies

More training opportunities to ensure young Guyanese become skilled, fill vacancies

Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton addressing Sophia residents on Sunday

The Ministry of Labour’s Board of Industrial Training (BIT), on Sunday launched its National Training Project for Youth Empowerment (NTPYE) programmes at the Sophia Training Centre.

The move was undertaken as the PPP/C Government continues to fulfil its mandate of upskilling Guyanese to increase their chances of employment.

(Centre from left) Technical Officer with Responsibility for Greater Georgetown area, Ron Bishop, Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton, Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond, and Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Public Affairs, Kwame McCoy with applicants of the training programme

The NTPYE is an initiative aimed at equipping Guyanese youths with technical, vocational and entrepreneurial skills, thereby providing them with increased opportunities to secure a livelihood.

During the launch, Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton reminded those who registered of the ‘golden opportunity’ they are receiving and urged them to persevere to the end of the training.

“What you’re embarking on here… it is for you. You can fail all of the other people, but you cannot fail yourself. You can fail your mother, or your father, but how do you fail you? You can’t afford to do that,” he stressed.

He spoke specifically to parents, charging them to capitalise on the opportunities to be good role models for their children.

The greatest commitment you can make to your children is, ‘I will make sure that the struggles I have had in life, you will not have’. You cannot just say it, you have to make it mean something. And you make it mean something, first by doing the best you can for yourself, so that you can uplift that child, that they will not have the same struggles you did,” Minister Hamilton stated.

He emphasised the need for participants to exercise discipline, citing the concept of delayed gratification.

The equipped rooms at the Sophia Training Centre, where training sessions will take place

Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Public Affairs, Kwame McCoy, who also attended the launch, encouraged participants to continue pursuing higher education.

“You may have little challenges, let us know. Don’t decide that you will keep it to yourself and you will just drop out…. Let us discuss and see how we can help you step by step, because that is our job, to help you.

“We want you to succeed, every boy and girl, every man and woman across this country… So, it is an investment by your government, as you have heard before, and we will continue to work with you and to make sure that you can develop into the best person possible. We have our role and responsibility. You have a role and responsibility too,” Minister McCoy said.

Meanwhile, Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond said the government is heartened with the number of persons who registered.

She reiterated the government’s commitment to the continued support and development of all Guyanese.

“As your government, it is incumbent on us to make sure that the dream of every single Guyanese is realised, that your dreams are fulfilled. That is our responsibility. You are not begging us for anything. Our responsibility is to make sure that you are taken care of and that you can take care of your families,” she noted.

The participants are expected to benefit from training in plumbing, electrical installation, heavy-duty equipment operation, welding, and fabrication, among other technical courses.

The equipped rooms at the Sophia Training Centre, where training sessions will take place

Courses in plumbing, carpentry, joinery and masonry will be held at the Sophia Training Centre, while other courses including heavy duty equipment operation and welding will be held at the Guyana Industrial Training Centre (GITC).

The equipped rooms at the Sophia Training Centre, where training sessions will take place

Since the PPP/C Government took office in August 2020, more than 2,000 persons have graduated from a number of programmes offered through BIT. (Extracted and modified from DPI)

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