Leopold Street, Georgetown residents will gain employment in block-making, as the government enhances the quality of life for citizens, especially those in vulnerable neighborhoods and simultaneously expands its national housing drive.
The block-making initiative, which is in keeping with a commitment of President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali to residents, is being done through the Ministry of Housing and Water-Central Housing and Planning Authority’s (CHPA) Community-based Employment Stimulation Project (CESP).
The residents were engaged on Tuesday evening by the Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal and Chief Executive Officer of CHPA, Mr. Sherwyn Greaves. Deputy Director of Community Development, Mrs. Donell Bess-Bascom and Deputy Director of Projects, Mr. Intakab Indarjeet were also a part of the engagement.
Minister Croal stated that the blocks will be supplied to contractors constructing homes under the Ministry’s housing programme, as he emphasised the importance of local labour and materials in the sector.
Meanwhile, CEO Greaves stated that the agency will also work with the community to have persons involved in home construction.
By the end of the meeting, the residents were able to identify a site for the block-making. CHPA is expected to start supplying tools for the project this week and a follow-up meeting is also slated for the new week.
CESP was conceptualized by President Ali in 2021 to boost economic activity and job creation for persons living in vulnerable areas or a part of vulnerable groups. The project scope includes start-up support, including tools, transportation, market sourcing for blocks, project management, and training, where necessary. (Central Housing and Planning Authority press release)