Home Crime Elderly man dies after struck down by policeman

Elderly man dies after struck down by policeman


An accident along the Coldingen Public Road, East Coast Demerara in the wee hours of Sunday claimed the life of a pedestrian who police is yet to identify.

The man’s name, age, and address remain unknown but police said he is a male East Indian whose age is estimated to be 60 years and was clad in dark blue and white boxers.

The man was struck down by a Police Constable of North Enmore, East Coast Demerara.

According to reports, the policeman was driving motor car – PAE 2960 – when he alleged that the man walked into the path of his vehicle.

The policeman said he applied brakes but despite his efforts he collided with the pedestrian. As a result of this collision, the pedestrian fell onto the road surface and received injuries about his body.

The Emergency Medical Technicians were summoned the man was pronounced dead at the scene.

The body was them escorted to Georgetown Public Hospital mortuary and is awaiting post-mortem examination.

A breathalyser test conducted on the policeman showed a reading of .000%.  He was served with notice of intended prosecution





  1. Another GPF member killed a pedestrian ?
    Who did the breathalyzer test, the police ?
    Was there a measurement of tire marks on the roadbed and the length ?
    Any measured marks will tell the speed the vehicle moving.


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