Four persons died from dengue this year

... hospitalisations near 400


Four persons have died in Guyana for the year so far after they were infected with dengue, Health Minister Dr. Frank Anthony confirmed on Sunday.

He also told the News Room that there have been nearly 400 people hospitalised this year, after being seriously affected by dengue.

Dr. Anthony explained that warmer temperatures are contributing to a growth in the mosquito population and as such, dengue is one of the health concerns his ministry is keeping a close eye on.

Consequently, the ministry has been pushing for increased spraying of insecticide to kill mosquitos in communities. There has also been a greater focus on getting persons to keep their drains and surroundings clean, to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes.

Earlier this year, in April, the Health Minister disclosed that two persons had died from dengue. He also said preliminary findings suggest that Berbice siblings Vishnu Mohabeer and Arianna Mohabeer, succumbed to complications related to dengue fever.

According to him, the Health Ministry has noted a surge in dengue cases and has taken key actions to help mitigate the situation. Increased fogging is among the actions taken.

Based on the more than 11,200 tests done, a majority of the cases are concentrated in Regions One, Two, Four, Six, Nine and 10. Dr. Anthony did not say what regions the persons who died hailed from.

On Sunday, the Health Minister could not say what areas the persons who died hail from. He was unable to share their ages too.

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