34 persons in latest batch of naturalized, registered Guyanese


The Ministry of Home Affairs Immigration Support Services department on Monday held a meaningful certificate-issuing ceremony, officially welcoming 34 new citizens from various countries who have gained Guyanese citizenship through registration and naturalization.

The ceremony was attended by Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn, Permanent Secretary Andre Ally, Head of Immigration Support Services Ms. Michelle Davis, and Ms. Jessica Bacchus from the Citizenship Section.

In his remarks, Minister Benn expressed his delight in welcoming the new citizens to Guyana, highlighting the nation’s positive growth and development prospects. “Guyana is indeed a multiracial, multi-ethnic country,” Minister Benn noted. “We have six different races, various mixtures, and Indigenous communities that retain much of their language and culture. Welcoming new citizens allows us to deepen our multicultural experience and broaden our collective understanding as a people.”

Minister Benn emphasized the importance of immigration to Guyana’s development, stating, “Guyana does not have the population size to develop as rapidly as we desire. Our immigration policy, operationalized by our services, ensures a thorough process for granting citizenship. We are thrilled to welcome you, especially now as our President, H.E Mohamed Irfaan Ali, and the Government advocate for ‘One Guyana,’ aiming to enhance our diversity.”

He further encouraged the new citizens to contribute their knowledge, expertise, and resources to the nation’s progress. “We are in need of skilled individuals, and there is much to learn from other countries. Your decision to join us at this critical point in our development is greatly appreciated,” Minister Benn added.

Permanent Secretary Ally congratulated the new citizens on this significant milestone and extended a warm welcome on behalf of the Guyanese nation. He spoke about the essence of citizenship as a shared commitment to the country’s values, ideals, and progress.

“Guyana’s strength lies in its diverse cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds, which create a vibrant and unique national identity,”

Mr. Ally stated. “I am confident that the new citizens will enrich our culture with their own traditions and perspectives.”

He also emphasized the responsibilities accompanying citizenship, urging the new citizens to be active and engaged members of society, uphold the laws, and contribute to the nation’s development.

The Ministry of Home Affairs congratulates all new citizens and looks forward to their valuable contributions to the growth and prosperity of Guyana.


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