Masterplan developed for $6 billion Yarrowkabra homestead project
The masterplan for the homestead project, which blends low-income housing with agriculture, has been completed, President Irfaan Ali announced on Monday.
According to a post on his Facebook page, Dr Ali unveiled the master plan at a meeting of government ministers, including Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha, Minister of Housing and Water Collin Croal, Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water Susan Rodrigues, and Minister with responsibility for Public Affairs Kwame McCoy. Technical government officials as well as representatives of commercial banks were also present.
According to the statement on the President’s Facebook page, the project aims to empower single mothers and will commence shortly. It includes the construction of 500 houses on some 100 acres of land at Yarrowkabra.
In June, the President said the low-income housing venture will come with shade houses and traditional farms.
President Ali described this new venture as a “homestead approach” to helping low-income households.
He suggested that there will be coconut and/ or breadfruit trees in the front portion of the land and a 20 feet by 40 feet shade house in the backyard.
Dr. Ali said the community’s produce will be directed towards a fixed agro-processing facility to help the residents earn easily.
The housing and agriculture venture should also be solar-powered.
“This is a project that the cost parameter is about $6 billion (and) we are looking to get the local private sector and the banking sector involved in this so that we can create wealth in every level of society,” President Ali said at a press conference at his official residence, State House, in Georgetown.