Gov’t committed to building strong economies in each Indigenous community – Dr. Singh


See below the full release from the Ministry of Finance: 

During his presentation today at the ongoing 2024 National Toshaos Council (NTC) Conference at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC), Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr. Ashni Singh explained to Toshaos that Government was continuing to make significant investments in hinterland and Amerindian communities as the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration is ‘committed to improving and building strong and sustainable economies in every single Amerindian village’.

Dr. Singh further emphasized that Government, under the leadership of President Irfaan Ali is also committed to creating opportunities for every single Amerindian citizen of Guyana to be able to uplift themselves, improve their own well-being and the well-being and prosperity of their family and their community. He also listed the many opportunities available to indigenous people and the various sectors under which Government has been working with communities to assist them in developing and uplifting the lives of residents.

“This PPP/C Government places the highest level of importance on development of our hinterland regions and Amerindian communities, and this is evidenced by the huge and unprecedented investments that we are making in all aspects in hinterland development and in all aspects of life in our Amerindian communities,” the Senior Minister pointed out.

He outlined the various development activities Government has been spearheading in communities including in ‘infrastructure and transport infrastructure, hinterland roads to improve access to all communities, investment in electricity, including ensuring that every household has a solar panel and in larger communities- the construction of mini grids and mini hydros for large communities like Lethem and Kumu. This was in addition to investments in hinterland water supply systems, investment in health and in education and the ‘unprecedented number of schools, hospitals and health centres that we are building out’.

Dr. Singh added that Government has also invested in information communication technology in the various villages, including through the activation of respective ICT hubs and delivering connectivity to communities as well as investments to ensure the achievement of sustainable village economies.

In alluding to the continuous investments being made to promote and expand agricultural activities in the villages, especially through the use of financial resources allocated to communities from carbon credit sales via Government’s Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS), Dr. Singh emphasized that this work would continue.

“I want to repeat the observation that in 2023 your villages got a total of $4.7 B allocated to it under the LCDS, and those funds have already been disbursed. That on its own represents the single largest financial injection into our Amerindian communities throughout history,” the Senior Finance Minister reiterated to loud applause from the Toshaos.

He added that ‘on top of that, His Excellency, the President would have announced the allocation of a total of $4.8 B to your villages again under the 2024 carbon credit sales proceeds and a raising of the percentage of the total sales proceeds. As you know we had originally committed and we had delivered 15 percent of sale proceeds in 2023. The amount allocated in 2024 represents 26.5 percent and that amount has already been disbursed and I am advised that those amounts are already being credited to your accounts and should be in your accounts by close of business today’.

Meetings and discussions between Government and the Toshaos from indigenous communities across the country will continue today while the NTC conference concludes tomorrow.

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