Gov’t going after NDCs selling lands illegally – Nandlall


The government is aware of some Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) councillors selling public lands illegally. So, it intends to take serious action in the coming days, according to Attorney General Anil Nandlall.

Nandlall, during his weekly ‘Issues in the News’ programme, said NDCs are not allowed to rent or sell public lands. At least not without express permission from the Minister of Local Government.

Those lands include any state or reserve lands that fall within the area under the management of the NDC. And any councillor renting or selling land is doing so illegally.

“Information received is that NDCs are selling lands, and councillors themselves are buying the lands,” Nandlall lamented.

So the government will refer such arrangements to the Police so that the buyers and sellers can be prosecuted. The AG emphasised that any unsanctioned rental or sale is illegal and both the buyers and sellers are engaging in fraudulent activities.

Nandlall issued a public warning to defaulting councillors and buyers. If the warning is not heeded, he said: “Actions will start to unfold in a few days.”

  1. habeeb says

    When those are found, Govt. must recover the “gains” from the errant persons, seize the land in question and
    then lock his ass up.

  2. Terr says

    Jail these scums of the earth its who they are all over the world dem deh is the same shit thats why they are descending rapidly to the bottom of the gutter .

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