Home Politics APNU+AFC period in gov’t was most corrupt in Guyanese history – Jagdeo

APNU+AFC period in gov’t was most corrupt in Guyanese history – Jagdeo

FLASHBACK: Former President of Guyana, David Granger (R) and Former Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo shortly after the APNU+AFC were elected into office

Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo opened his weekly press conference on Thursday by addressing allegations of corruption leveled against his administration.

Jagdeo in countering the accusations pointed out that the claims are largely from critics aligned to the opposition coalition, APNU+AFC.

He asserted that the period during which APNU+AFC governed, from 2015 to 2020, was the most corrupt in Guyanese history.

“This period was marked by the highest levels of corruption ever witnessed in our country,” Jagdeo claimed.

He criticized critics for failing to acknowledge the alleged corrupt practices of the previous administration, including the suspension of tendering processes for contracts and non-compliance with the Integrity Commission Act for three years.

Jagdeo contrasted this with the PPP/C’s record, highlighting that since 2000, PPP/C ministers have consistently complied with the Integrity Commission Act, which includes submitting statements of income and assets.

He also pointed out that Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton has not adhered to these requirements.

Vice President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo (DPI Photo)

The Vice President accused the APNU+AFC administration of facilitating large-scale land transfers without financial compensation and awarding contracts to companies associated with their members, citing former minister David Patterson as a key example of this practice.

In defending the current government, Jagdeo emphasized that the PPP/C has maintained a transparent procurement process, with all contract awards posted online for public scrutiny.

He acknowledged that while issues may still arise, the government has actively condemned attempts to corrupt the system and has implemented measures to ensure compliance with procurement laws.

Jagdeo also highlighted ongoing efforts to improve the procurement process, including regional training and the establishment of clear rules to prevent conflicts of interest, though he noted that the government cannot restrict family members of officials from working in the sector.

“The effort to clean up the system has been enormous,” Jagdeo stated. “For those seeking details on the cleanup and the extent of past corruption, we encourage them to review the facts.”

Beyond addressing corruption, Jagdeo spoke about the government’s commitment to restoring hope to citizens by enhancing healthcare, education, public infrastructure, and social services, contrasting this with what he described as the hopelessness experienced during the APNU+AFC administration.



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