Archery Guyana hosts WADA Anti-Doping education session


Archery Guyana recently hosted an essential World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) education session, conducted by the Board of Directors of Archery Guyana in collaboration with Guyana’s representative on the Caribbean Regional Anti-Doping Organisation (RADO) and renowned Doping Control Officer, Dr. Karen Pilgrim.

The session took place in the Boardroom of the Guyana Olympic Association, Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown.

This informative session aimed at introducing Archery Guyana’s members and affiliates to WADA and educate them on the core principles of anti-doping.

The initiative was designed to be particularly beneficial for both junior and senior members of Archery Guyana, affiliated clubs as well as the parents of junior athletes.

Special attention was given to the team expected to represent Guyana at the Caribbean Development Championships next week in Jamaica.

Doping Control Officer Dr. Karen Pilgrim conducted the session

“In today’s competitive sporting environment, it is more critical than ever to ensure that our athletes are well-versed in the importance of clean sport and the stringent regulations surrounding anti-doping,” Archery Guyana said in a press release.

“By providing this education, Archery Guyana is taking proactive steps to safeguard the integrity of our sport and to ensure that all our athletes, along with their support networks, understand their roles and responsibilities in adhering to these important standards.”

Dr. Pilgrim, with her extensive experience and expertise in the field of anti-doping, led the session, ensuring that participants gained valuable insights into the global efforts to maintain fairness in sport.

The session covered key topics such as the WADA Code, prohibited substances and methods, the testing process, and the rights and responsibilities of athletes.

“Archery Guyana is committed to promoting a culture of transparency, fairness, and respect for the rules that govern their sport,” the release added.

President of Archery Guyana Vidushi Persaud-McKinnon opined: “We believe that this initiative will play a vital role in fostering a clean sporting environment and preparing our athletes for the highest levels of competition. Together, we can ensure that our athletes compete with honour and integrity on the world stage.”

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