Home Politics Cease order prohibiting sale of Mocha/Arcadia lands was issued since September -Local...

Cease order prohibiting sale of Mocha/Arcadia lands was issued since September -Local Gov’t Ministry

Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag

See below full statement from the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development:

The Ministry of Local Government & Regional Development (MLGRD) notes with grave concern reports of the illegal sale and leasing of plots of state land by operatives within the Mocha/Arcadia Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) and Opposition elements within the area. These illegal actions are in clear violation of the Laws governing state-owned lands in the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.

The Ministry further advises that on the 9th of September, 2024, a Cease Order was issued to ALL NDCs and RDCs explicitly prohibiting “the rental, sale, alienation, encumbrance, or lease of State/Government land, or any land where the Government has a controlling interest”, without the authorization of the Minister of Local Government and Regional Development as stipulated in the Local Government Act Cap. 28:02 of the Laws of Guyana.

Sections 48 and 106 of the Local Government Act speak to the power to let lands by local authorities. However, both sections are subjected to the permission of the Minister of Local Government & Regional Development. Furthermore, Section 103 of the said Act provides that NDCs “may, with the consent of the Minister, for the purpose and subject to this Act, purchase, accept as a gift, take on lease, sell, exchange, or mortgage any lands, whether situate within or without its district; and a local authority may also purchase any dam or watercourse which interferes with the proper drainage of, or the supply of water to, its district.” Section 47 of the Local Government Act does NOT grant to local authorities the power to lease or sell any state land.

The Ministry of Local Government wishes to categorically state that at no point in time has permission been given, whether expressly or impliedly, by the Minister of Local Government & Regional Development to the Mocha/Arcadia NDC or any other person to sell or lease stateowned land within the boundaries of the Mocha/Arcadia settlement.

The Ministry wishes to remind the public, and all NDCs and RDCs, that the unauthorized sale or lease of state land is ILLEGAL, and any such transactions will be deemed NULL, VOID, AND OF NO EFFECT.

Those found engaging in or attempting to purchase lands through these illegal means are warned that they will be subject to legal consequences.

Furthermore, the Ministry urges the Mocha/Arcadia NDC, and all NDCs and RDCs, to immediately cease and desist from any attempts to sell or lease state lands.

The Ministry remains committed to ensuring the proper and lawful management of public lands in accordance with national regulations and urges members of the public to remain vigilant, and to report any suspicious activities involving the sale of state lands via the contact information listed below:

Telephone: (592) 225-8619, (592) 223-0781, or (592) 652-3554 Email: ps@mlgrd.gov.gy or ministersecretariat@mlgrd.gov.gy



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