Home Politics $300M to be spent to expand, maintain roads in Reg. 8

$300M to be spent to expand, maintain roads in Reg. 8

Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai, Minister of Housing and Water Collin Croal and other officials in Region Eight

Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai on Monday highlighted that the government is spending $300 million to maintain roads in communities across Region Eight (Potaro- Siparuni).

Meanwhile, a programme will be rolled out soon focusing on the construction of new roads in the region.

“In terms of road maintenance, very shortly… in fact, by next week, the roads contracts, both for sub-district 1 and sub-, which totals about $300 million will be disbursed,” Sukhai said.

Minister Sukhai travelled to Region Eight with the Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal. On Monday, afternoon they met with residents.

Residents who engaged the officials on Monday

In her remarks, Sukhai explained that the works follow concerns raised by residents during an interaction with Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo a month ago.

During that meeting, Sukhai said a series of issues related to the services provided to the residents were raised.

The services span water, land tenure security, health and infrastructure.

Sukhai added that Dr Jagdeo had promised that he would speak to the subject ministers to have the issues addressed.

Since then, Sukhai noted that Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill and Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag visited and held consultations with residents.

Coming out of that, she added that there are recommendations that are in progress to ensure that road infrastructure is expanded.

“And so very shortly I believe that programme will roll out. Some this year and some in the next year.

“I must say also that the list of contractors has been delivered to the Minister of Public Works and we are awaiting the awards for those roads that will commence construction before the end of the year,” Sukhai explained.

Sukhai assured the residents that development is ongoing in the region to improve the livelihood of citizens.

“So things are moving apace,” she said.



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