A $143.2 billion sum has been earmarked in the 2025 National Budget as the Government seeks to expand and modernise the health sector, aiming to provide world-class treatment and care to citizens.
Out of the sum, significant amounts have been set aside to build, complete, and upgrade new hospitals and other facilities, further expand the equipment inventory, and train more professionals in this sector.
Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh during his presentation of the 2025 National Budget on Friday said, altogether, the aim is to improve the quality of health care provided.
This year, Dr Singh said the key focus is on improving access with the introduction of telemedicine capabilities in remote communities, acquiring certain specialised capabilities and deploying more modern technology.
Currently, the government is in the process of building several new hospitals across the country while several others are being upgraded. These including the Paediatric and Maternity Hospital at Ogle and six regional hospitals.

So, Dr Singh said a sum of $28.1 billion has been set aside to ensure these facilities are completed and commissioned.
With efforts being made to ensure these facilities are operating in alignment with modern technology, $4.5 billion has been allocated this year to increase digital imaging units, telemedicine sites and add to the fleet of medical equipment.
Meanwhile, another $28 billion has been set aside for the provision of drugs and medical supplies to ensure necessities are available in all regions.
The government also intends to ramp up its intake of nurses and doctors under bilateral partnerships and expand screening programmes for children, based on the allocations under the health sector.
Additionally, this year, the government intends to increase its focus on screening for chronic diseases with 100,000 persons targeted.