Dr. Christopher Clarke, a Guyanese computer scientist, educator, and entrepreneur, has dedicated over a decade to the field of artificial intelligence (AI). With academic credentials that include a Bachelor’s in Computer Science from the University of Guyana and a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering specialiwing in Human-AI Interaction from the University of Michigan, Clarke aims to transform AI applications and education in Guyana.
Dr. Clarke’s passion for technology began at a young age. He is a director at v75 Inc., a local tech company.
“I always had an interest in technology from since a young age, my first interest in computing was back in [Information Technology] in high school, for CSEC,” he explained.
Clarke hopes to see Guyana move beyond its focus on oil and gas towards sustainable development powered by technology.
“Technology, compared to a lot of the fields out there, has this power to be an enabler for true sustainable growth, both from an economic and social standpoint, and what I want to encourage all of the young people coming up is to even if your interest isn’t just tech, even if it is finance or the medical field or law, what you can do is get the skills in technology to be able to augment those fields.
“The next greatest innovations truly come from interdisciplinary work,” Dr. Clarke said.
While AI can seem daunting, Clarke encourages a balanced approach. He also urged people fearful of AI to conduct their own research before coming to a conclusion that it is something bad.
“The real good thing about AI field now is that it has finally being proven that it works to a good extent; it can be controlled and it can be monitored.”
He envisions AI as a transformative force for Guyana’s development, offering opportunities to advance healthcare, finance, and other sectors where the country lags.
“With Guyana on the cusp of seismic development now, we can be one of the leaders in the Caribbean, instead of taking that first fear, take the first approach towards this new technology and show how can we actually take this and leverage it and use it to benefit our citizens,” Dr. Clarke expressed.
Clarke explains that AI is centered on emulating human intelligence to make processes more efficient. His specialiSation in Human-AI Interaction emphasises integrating AI into society for seamless interaction. Dr. Clarke has plans to open a research centre for AI in Guyana and soon, the University of Guyana will launch its AI Master’s programme. The programme was developed with the help of Dr. Clarke who also lectures at the UG.

“AI, I would argue, is the hottest topic in computer science right now, given that we would have had such rapid advancements within the last four years. So you are bringing something that is fresh, new to the young bright minds in Guyana, and they have the opportunity to take it, learn it, build their own products if they want to go on and do cutting edge research if they want to, so it already just helps in terms of upskilling our younger generation,” Dr. Clarke said.
Clarke has helped design numerous AI development projects, benefiting both local and international companies. He believes the opportunities with AI are endless and hopes to see it utilised in a sustainable way.