The Post-Mortem Examination (PME) results of Parbhudai Boodhram, a 64-year-old housewife from Belle West, West Bank Demerara, have confirmed that her cause of death was strangulation compounded with multiple trauma to the head.
Dr. Nehaul Singh, the Government Pathologist, conducted the examination at the Ezekiel Mortuary in Best Village, West Coast Demerara on Wednesday.
Boodhram, also known as “Renie,” was allegedly murdered in her home after being robbed.
According to authorities, Boodhram lived with her husband, 63-year-old tailor Anthony Alphonso Boodhram, who operates a shop in Georgetown. The woman regularly visited her husband at his shop to assist with work, and after completing her tasks, she would return home, sometimes leaving him at the shop overnight depending on his workload.
On Friday morning, Boodhram left her home and went to her husband’s shop, where she helped him throughout the day. Later, she left the shop and made her way back to Belle West. Before reaching home, she stopped at a local shop, where she purchased groceries and was escorted home by the shop owner, who was also a friend of the family.
The shopkeeper later reported that he watched as Boodhram entered her yard, after which he drove away. It is believed that, at that moment, the perpetrator(s) may have been lying in wait in the yard. There were no signs of forced entry into the house, leading investigators to suspect that the attackers ambushed her as she was about to enter her home.
It is believed that the suspect(s) restrained Boodhram using plastic cable zip ties before brutally assaulting her. The woman suffered severe blows to her face and body. Police also suspect that after ransacking the house, the perpetrators made off with a purse, US$4,000 in cash, and jewellery.
Detectives responded to the scene on Saturday morning, and several persons in the area were questioned, providing helpful information for the ongoing investigation. Boodhram’s body was found and examined by police before being taken to the West Demerara Regional Hospital, where she was pronounced dead. The body was subsequently transferred to the Ezekiel Mortuary for the Post-Mortem Examination.
In the wake of the investigation, two individuals have been arrested and are currently assisting police with their inquiries.
As investigations continue, the police are working to establish a clearer picture of the events surrounding the tragic murder and robbery. Authorities are urging anyone with additional information to come forward as they continue their efforts to bring the responsible parties to justice.