Thieves broke into the building which houses Andrews Supermarket on Robb and Light Streets, Georgetown and carted off with an undisclosed sum of cash belonging to the supermarket and several other businesses.
Police Headquarters said the incident occurred sometime between 22:00hrs on Wednesday and 07:45 hrs on Thursday.
The building houses several businesses including the supermarket which is situated on the first floor.
On the second floor is a MoneyGram office and the manager’s office, while the third and fourth floors are used for storage and are secured by internal metal doors with locks.
No security guards worked to overlook the supermarket.
According to a Police report, the 34-year-old store manager related that on Wednesday night he secured the building and left for home.
Upon his return Thursday morning, Police said the manager discovered that the door to the storage bond was opened.
Upon checking, he discovered that the roof leading to the storage bond was cut open. He then made checks in the building and observed the cash registers in the supermarket on the ground floor were damaged, and an undisclosed sum of cash was removed.
Further checks were then made and it was observed that the MoneyGram office was ransacked and two metal safes containing an undisclosed amount of cash, which were secured in the office were missing.
Police said several persons in the area were questioned as the investigations continue.